Oriol Segovia-Minguet

Social Educator

Drug Prevention Technician , General subdirectorate of Addictions, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Viral Hepatitis. Public Health Agency of Catalonia. Department of Health | Government of Catalonia , QdeFesta! & Nits de Qualitat

Barcelona, Catalonia


Oriol Segovia-Minguet has fourteen years of professional experience working with PWUD and harm reduction. Since 2020 he has been working as a drug prevention technician in the General Subdirectorate of Addictions, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Viral Hepatitis - Public Health Agency of Catalonia, and since 2021 is the technician on the QdeFesta! & Nits de Qualitat nightlife program, that is also a member of Party+ and NEWNet. He also develops research in the field of drug use, harm reduction, and applied ethics and human rights.

QdeFesta! & Nits de Qualitat - Quality label

QdeFesta! Nits de Qualitat program was created by the General Subdirectorate of Addictions in 2010 to provide an institutional response to prevent the consumption of alcohol and other drugs in nightlife. The program is based on 3 axes: 1) the quality label, 2) the "Nits de Qualitat" community participation panels and 3) the peer intervention groups.
The quality label assesses private venues, festivals, and popular festivities to offer services that guarantee the health, safety, well-being, and quality of nightlife venues.
Among the services of relevance and fundamental importance are training actions adressed to active staff in harm reduction, responsible alcohol dispensing, and, from 2019, the prevention and tackling of sexual violence.
In this sense, the need detected in nightlife areas to have practical tools to prevent and act against sexual violence that can occur in contexts of consumption of alcohol and other drugs, with the collaboration of the Observatori Noctàmbul@s, we published campaign materials for the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual violence as well as a guide for nightlife professionals that provides guidelines for detecting, preventing, and intervening in it.
In addition, following the latest incidents of girls being needle-spiked in nightlife venues and the media coverage, the Departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya drew up a joint document for a more comprehensive approach and a common front to guarantee safe and healthy party venues.